Virtual CISO Services

At Purple Shield Security, our mission is to strengthen the digital backbone of businesses in Los Angeles with our top-tier Virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) services. In a world where cyber threats are constantly evolving, it’s critical for companies to embrace proactive security measures. Our vCISO services provide the skill and guidance of an experienced Chief Information Security Officer, minus the expense of adding a full-time executive to your team.

This innovative approach allows your business to navigate the complexities of cybersecurity with confidence, leveraging our expertise to implement robust security strategies tailored to your unique needs. With Purple Shield Security, you gain not just a service, but a partner dedicated to protecting your digital assets and ensuring your operations remain resilient in the face of cyber challenges.

Los Angeles is a vibrant hub for industries ranging from entertainment and technology to finance and healthcare. Each sector faces unique cybersecurity challenges. Purple Shield Security’s vCISO services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your business, ensuring that your digital assets are protected against both current and emerging threats.

Cyber Security vCISO


Vendor and Technology Management: Carefully oversee the selection and management of security technologies and vendors, ensuring they align with your security posture and business objectives.

Cybersecurity Audits: Conduct comprehensive audits of your IT infrastructure to identify and rectify potential security gaps, ensuring your defenses are up to date and effective.

Data Protection and Privacy: Implement robust data protection strategies and privacy practices to safeguard sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches, maintaining trust and compliance.

Crisis Management and Communication: Leading the security team in managing and responding to security incidents and crises.

Flexible and Scalable Solutions:  Services that can be scaled up or down based on your business’s growth or the changing nature of cyber threats.

Our Enhanced vCISO Services Include:

Strategic Security Planning: Develop and implement a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy that aligns with your business objectives and compliance requirements, ensuring a robust defense mechanism against cyber threats.

Strategic Advisory to the Board and Executives: Acting as the principal cybersecurity advisor to the board of directors and executive management, providing insights and recommendations on the cybersecurity landscape and its implications for the organization’s strategic direction.

Risk Management: Identify, assess, and mitigate cyber risks to your organization through thorough risk assessments and management plans, offering a clear path to minimizing vulnerabilities.

Policy and Compliance: Navigate the complex landscape of regulatory and compliance standards specific to your industry, including GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more, ensuring your business remains compliant and secure.

Incident Response Planning: Equip your organization with a well-defined incident response plan to minimize impact and recover swiftly from cyber threats, reducing downtime and financial losses.

Security Awareness Training: Enhance your team’s ability to identify and prevent cyber threats with customized training programs, fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness and vigilance.

Business Continuity & Table Top Exercises: Develop and test business continuity plans to ensure your organization can maintain operations in the event of a cyber incident, preserving your reputation and customer trust.

Security Team Management: Building and maintaining a highly skilled cybersecurity team structured to address the diverse aspects of cybersecurity.

Key Benefits

  • Security strategy development and oversight.
  • Risk assessment and management.
  • Implementation of security controls.
  • Incident response planning and execution.
  • Training and education on security best practices.
  • Expert counsel on emerging threats and vulnerabilities.
  • Assistance with compliance efforts.
  • Identification of opportunities for improvement in the organization’s security posture.
  • Overall guidance and support for the security team.
  • Security Architecture Design and Policy Development
  • Audit Remediation and Audit Management

BBgun Press

Purple Shield Security has become a valuable addition to our team. Our business has undergone a major overhaul of our Cybersecurity infrastructure. They always provide us with a high-quality cyber security services, fast response time, and support in case of an incident.

Brian Bumbry - CEO

Sunset Plaza Insurance

Our company was hit with a ransomware that took down the entire business. We called Purple Shield Security for help and advice. They were able to find the source of the ransomware, remove the threat, and help us increase our cybersecurity protection. We signed up for their managed security services and we are extremely happy with our decision.

Roosevelt Tabeshpour – CEO

Allergy Asthma Institute

Partnering with Purple Shield Security over the past five years has helped our medical practice achieve its cybersecurity initiatives, and continuously improve our overall security posture. We greatly appreciate the professionalism and service they have provided us for the past few years, and the peace of mind we enjoy from being secure by Purple Shield Security.

Dr. Asif Rafi – Owner

Law Offices of Gerald Lunn

We worked with few MSP in the past that considered themselves security experts. But after having many security breaches and issues, we decided to hire an actual cybersecurity company. This has been one of the best decisions we have made. There is a huge difference between a MSP that thinks they know security and an actual cybersecurity company. Make the right decision and hire Purple Shield security.

Gerald Lunn – Owner

Q&A Manufacturing

It has been a pleasure working with Purple Shield Security. Their penetration testing services have helped our company to strengthen our cyber posture and mitigate our security risks. They are extremely knowledgeable and experts at what they do. They don't use automated tools like many other companies, they manually hunt for security holes and vulnerabilities.

Brian Cohen - CFO

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