New Backdoor Malware Has Been Created Using Leaked CIA’s Hive Malware

Penetration Testing, Ethical hacking

A new backdoor malware has been discovered that is believed to have been created using the leaked CIA’s Hive malware. The discovery was made by researchers at the cybersecurity firm, Symantec, who have been monitoring the use of the Hive malware since it was leaked in 2017. The new backdoor, named “Honeycomb,” has been found to share several similarities with the Hive malware, including similar command and control infrastructure and code similarities.

This suggests that the creators of Honeycomb likely used the leaked CIA malware as a starting point to develop their own malware.
Honeycomb is a highly sophisticated malware that is capable of evading detection by security software. It is designed to give attackers a persistent presence on a compromised system, allowing them to steal sensitive information and carry out other malicious activities.

Symantec has found that the malware is primarily being used to target organizations in the Middle East, and the United States.
The discovery of Honeycomb is a reminder of the dangers of leaked government malware. The Hive malware, along with other CIA tools, were leaked in 2017 by the group known as the Shadow Brokers. The leak of these tools has given cyber criminals and other malicious actors access to powerful malware that they can use to carry out cyber-attacks.
It is important for organizations to be aware of the threat posed by leaked government malware and to take steps to protect their systems. This includes keeping software and systems up to date, implementing security best practices, and monitoring for signs of malicious activity.

Purple Shield Security is a Los Angeles based leading cyber security consulting company dedicated to helping organizations protect their most valuable assets.  Purple Shield Security offers a comprehensive range of cyber security services, including cyber security consulting, cyber security incident and breach response, managed cyber security, vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, and compliance assessments.